Inner Personal Advice: Sleepy Sunday...


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sleepy Sunday...

Wow what a crazy weekend I have had(I don't go into that), I went to bed early last night and I woke up late this morning...I haven't gotten that much sleep in a long time. I am still feeling tired out, I don't know if I just slept too long and that is why I feel like this, or if I just didn't have a very restful sleep.

I'm not a very religious person, but lately I have been seeing a lot of posts and bible versus on the internet, concerning Jesus and the Lord and that "Jesus is coming" and just in general a long those lines! I consider myself somewhat spiritual, and I believe in prayers, angels insights and god. Everyone has their set reason for believing and the like. I don't have any advice on God and or religion, everyone is their own person and they believe or are raised to believe whatever it might be.

I'm not where I went with this, I was just going to say how crazy my sleep was this weekend and have a few said words but now I just talked about something else.

I pray, and I do love and believe in god. I don't judge others that don't or that try to sway others choices and belief's. I do however want to say, Be yourself, and please do not make others be someone else to suit yourself. Life is what it is and you can not control or change that, if you do that is going against lifes moral code. No one was born to control another.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


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