Inner Personal Advice: Wacky Wednesday..


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wacky Wednesday..

It's finally at the transition point between winter and spring! Snows is starting to melt, it's foggy and warm. It messy though, because it is melting. All that salt dirt and other stuff hiding under the snow is showing up as each layer is revealed. I'm not saying, it is hot out though. This is what it was two weeks ago. it was very sunny out, but also very cold that day.

My body doesn't like these seasonal transitions, I always seem to end up sick this time of year, I have had the flu for about a week now, I know didn't catch it from anyone because I didn't really go anywhere out and about before I noticed I was sick.. But I keep on, keeping on, so to speak. 

Isn't it funny how the older you get the more sick you feel when you're sick, but you do more than you would have when you were younger?  Well I guess maybe not everyone is like that, but I and a few people I know are. Anyways I have been taking vitamins and gratefully I don't stay sick as long as I use to. So here in the part of Canada where I am from, we go by Celsius And right now we are at +3 Celsius and it apparently feels like -2C. I'm okay with that, it's way better than -15 or -24, like last weekend was. I'm hoping the snow is going to stay away until next winter now! 

So I guess that is my wacky rant for today, I am not sure what else to write. 


  1. I'm a good bit older than you and for years I managed not to catch anything , not even the occasional cold. At the end of last year I caught a cold and it kicked my butt and then at the first of the year I caught a bad stomach virus and I literally wished I was dead rather than suffer through that. So yes, age does make a difference.

    I hope you are at the end of your cold winter. Living in Florida, I don't experience much change of seasons and I kind of miss that, but I don't think I could endure a long cold winter anymore. I did grow up in Indiana where the winters were cold and snowy, but at may age, I like this warmth we have.

    Hope you feel better soon hon .

    1. I am feeling a bit better, thanks :) Florida sounds nice compared to the hash winter months here. Thanks for commenting, have a good day!


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