I'm so grateful it is Thursday, because tomorrow is the end of the week.
Thursday is always a good day, and I love the next day, because it is Friday.
Sometimes I don't post anything at all, I don't post every single day, I don't feel like posting here everyday, but sometimes I'll send out some motivational quotes or a graphic for a day celebrated(St. Patrick's Day, Valentine, Easter, etc.) that was chalked in our calenders in the past. But Sometimes I don't feel like posting anything, because I don't feel up to it! Yesterday was one of those days.
I am thankful for those day's, because if I had of come and posted something, it probably wouldn't have been very motivational, inspiring or anything positive. I feel I am doing others a favor by not posting when I don't feel like posting, I wouldn't want to read a long winded blog post about how bad their day was or how they hated everyone and everything, so why would I post that? I wouldn't want to unknowingly post a blog that might make someone else feel insulted in anyway.
I have changed a lot over the years, I use to be pretty negative. I use to complain about everything and everything someone else might have done to me in the past.
There was a time I had joined an online group and I learned about Daily affirmations, Those daily affirmations, made me see things differently over time, I started worrying less about "what was", and started focusing more about "what is" and molding today's day into what I had hope tomorrow will be.
I started to feel more appreciative about what I had and seeing what happened bad last year was only last year, it wasn't now, it was than and than cannot be changed, only now can change to make tomorrow hopefully better! I don't know if I just repeated myself just now, but that is okay. If you repeat something positive a few times, it isn't going to hurt anyone!
So stop worry about "what was"
Start Focusing on "what is"
And you will see a more positive out look about "what will be"
Have a great day everyone, I hope this has made you think and I hope it has helped you feel positive about yourself and or your future!
Thanks for visiting my blog!